Travel Health Kit: Essential Items to Pack When Traveling Abroad

Travel Health Kit: Essential Items to Pack When Traveling Abroad

Many things to do before travelling internationally? The packing list for an international trip looks overwhelming? It doesn’t have to be. You’ll discover the things to pack for a trip from the utility viewpoint. As such, here is your travel health kit: essential items to pack when travelling abroad. Your medication, if applicable, for the entire trip duration. Pack a …

Seasonal diseases are most common in cold temperatures. Then let’s take a look at why catching the flu is more common in winter and protect yourselves.

Why catching the flu is more common in winter

Seasonal Diseases Why does the flu spread in winter? You’ve seen lots of viruses transmitting cases in the cold season. Once November starts and until April, seasonal diseases unfold. People spread the flu to others. Then, why is catching the flu more common in winter? Let’s look at some reasons. The seasonal diseases -influenza – survive more at lower temperatures. …