Prevent virus from spreading Covid-19
Instructions for people who have been asked to self-isolate
This fact sheet provides basic information only about preventing the spread of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). It does not take the place of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
This information is important if:
- You have been asked to self-isolate OR
- You live with someone who is self-isolating
Follow the advice of your health care provider and/or local public health unit. If you have questions, or you start to feel worse, contact your health care provider, Telehealth
(1-877-797-0000) or your public health unit.
Stay at home
- Do not use public transportation or taxis.
- Do not go to work, school or other public places.
- Your health care provider and/or local public health unit will tell you when it is safe to leave.
Wear mask
- If you must leave your house to see a health care provider or when you are within two metres of other people, wear a mask over your nose and mouth.
Wash your hands
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 15 seconds.
- Dry your hands with a paper towel, or with your own cloth towel that no one else shares.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
Limit the number of visitors in your home
- Only have visitors who you must see and keep the visits short.
Cover your coughs and sneezes
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hand.
- Throw used tissues in a lined wastebasket, and wash your hands.
- When emptying the wastebasket, try not to touch used tissues.
Keep distance
- If you are in a room with other people, keep a distance of at least two metres and wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth.
- If you cannot wear a mask, people should wear a mask when they are in the same room as you.
Avoid contact with others
- Stay in a separate room away from other people in your home
as much as possible and use a separate bathroom if you have one. - Make sure that shared rooms have good airflow.
Follow these instructions until you have been told by your health care provider and/or your public health unit that you can return to regular activities.
For more information – Learn about the virus |
2019-nCoV is a new virus. It spreads by respiratory droplets of an infected person to others with whom they have close contact such as people who live in the same household or provide care.
It is important to follow these steps so that the virus is not spread to others. |